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Montycon Gastro, S.R.O. – The New Heinzelmann Distributor (Czech Republic)


Montycon is a company with a team of professionals with many years of rich experience from various gastronomic establishments here and abroad, and thanks to this, it can always offer perfect advice and services, as evidenced by the number of references and history since 1996.

They know from customer experience that reliability is usually in the 1st place for them. That is why they offer products of the renowned brands and other quality gastronomic technologies.

They have a team of regularly trained expert advisors who can help clients design a productive, economical gastro operation. Also, the team of their presentation chefs takes care of the perfect use of modern technologies of the installed equipment and thus helps to get a faster return on your initial investment.

Applause! Welcome to Heinzelmann family!

Tel: +420 602 725 999

Découvrez comment le CHEF-X de Heinzelmann peut soutenir et améliorer votre processus de préparation et de cuisson.

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