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Chef Tools, Cool Equipment Concepts Limited

  • Gore House, Ballards Gore, Stambridge, Essex, SS4 2DA, United Kingdom
  • T: +44 01702 258 639
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SOS Catering Equipment & Engineering Limited

Cook with Chef Tools and SOS Catering

Fruit compote, its slight tartness and sweet fruity flavor make it a versatile topping for ice cream, pancakes, oatmeal, and more. However, keeping a close eye on the compote is essential to prevent it from being spit out or charred.
To make the process easier and hands-free, consider using Heinzelmann CHEF-X can enjoy the convenience of hassle-free compote preparation. It allows you to set the temperature, time, and speed, freeing you up to tend to other tasks and the customized settings ensure the compote is cooked to perfection every time, without the need for constant monitoring.

Zjistěte, jak může Heinzelmann Chef-X zlepšit váš proces přípravy a vaření.

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