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Martijn van Roon “Kitchen Gear for Pro’s” – The New Heinzelmann Distributor – Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg)


Culinary creation requires professional equipment. A-quality material for the perfect taste down to the last detail. Martijn van Roon should know. As an experienced executive chef and founder of hotels such as the Ammonite Hotel and all the restaurants of the DeLaMar Theater and the ADAMtoren, he knows the ropes. He knows better than anyone which equipment and materials are needed for every professional kitchen. Knowledge that he now uses to support chefs who want to get the best out of their materials.

Martijn van Roon “Kitchen Gear for Pro’s”

Hendrik Figeeweg 1E 2031 BJ Haarlem, Netherlands

Tel: +31 6 54958484


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