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China - Hong Kong - Peak Honour International Ltd

Peak Honour International Ltd

  • Room 2506A, 25/F, Cable TV Tower, 9 Hoi Shing Road, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
  • T: +852 2861 3058
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Cook with Peak Honour

Fish balls are a familiar and popular snack in Hong Kong, readily available at snack stalls or restaurants. They are often served with a generous coating of thick curry sauce or satay sauce, or enjoyed alongside rice noodles.

The key to producing perfectly bouncy and springy fish balls lies in the preparation of the fish paste, which should have a sticky and gooey texture.

Thanks to the CHEF-X, the process of transforming fish fillets into a sublime fish paste takes just 20 seconds, similar to an hour hand-stirring effect.

Scopi come CHEF-X di Heinzelmann può aiutarti a migliorare il processo di preparazione e cottura degli alimenti.

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