CHEF-X in United Kingdom – The Restaurant Show


Visit Heinzelmann CHEF-X at The Restaurant Show in London!

We are calling on all professional chefs to witness CHEF-X in action.
@heinzelmann_uk will be there to introduce this groundbreaking cooking machine and offer live demonstrations.

See you on that day!

The Restaurant Show – @sos_cateringequipmentltd
Date: 02-04 October, 2023
Booth: GK29
Location: Olympia London

Scopi come CHEF-X di Heinzelmann può aiutarti a migliorare il processo di preparazione e cottura degli alimenti.

Verremo noi da te! Durante la dimostrazione, ti mostreremo i diversi utilizzi di CHEF-X e risponderemo a tutte le tue domande.

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