Virardi Enterprises Ltd – The New Heinzelmann Distributor (Cyprus)


Virardi Enterprises Ltd was founded in Limassol in 1971 by its late Owner and Executive Chairman, Rolando G. Virardi and for the last 48 years is actively dealing in the design, supply, installation and after-sales service of catering equipment and supplies.

The VIRARDI Team consists today of some 30 of the best professionals in the industry, with its central main offices, showrooms, warehouses and demo kitchen in Limassol.

Its mission is to provide a fast and reliable service in the field of our activities, by making quality assured products available to our market. With uncompromising business ethics and integrity, they provide the customers and prospects with a safe business environment based on competitive and reliable solutions to customers’ needs.

Their continuous efforts are geared towards maintaining our hard-earned reputation and long-standing relations with their customers.

Virardi Enterprises Ltd
Visit: : 67 Ayias Zonis Street,
3090 Limassol, Cyprus
Post: P.O.BOX 50459
3605 Limassol, Cyprus
Tel : +357 25 371501

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