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New Heinzelmann Partner in Hong Kong – Peak Honour 沛鴻國際有限公司


Peak Honour International Ltd was incorporated in Hong Kong in 1996 and professionally trained managers with an international outlook and substantial China experiences have been managing its business. Being a young company, Peak Honour is dynamic and innovative. However, at the same time, all the investments are subtly planned and implemented under its managers’ hard-earned experiences.

Unlike most Hong Kong trading companies in China, the Group prefers to incorporate companies formally in China and conducts its business strictly in accordance with the national and local regulations, customs and practices. It has his wholly owned company in Guangzhou, associated companies in Shanghai, Beijing, Shengzhen, Chengdu etc. The company is exploring and developing new opportunities from time to time.

Peak Honour International Ltd. has always been a reliable business partner and a caring employer. A corporate culture is emerging.

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